What a couple of years of uncertainty and instability! CISV Junior Branch did incredible work at keeping our local chapter together by meeting both on-line and some in-person during the pandemic precautions. We have been thoroughly enjoying being back in person since this October with no interruptions to our fun activities!!
We even have multiple travelling delegates this year, which we are so excited about!
Here are some of the fun activities we have been experiencing this year:
We wrote cards for the elderly during the Winter holidays
We made kindness rocks to disperse in our communities
We have played Capture the Flag, Life Boat, Human Rights Auction
We have had amazing guest speakers discussing climate changes and Amnesty International - write for rights
We played movie bingo, practiced reflective listening, and played many many thoughtful activities that connected to bigger issues in the world.
We also had fun with lots of door prizes this year : )
Check out our Instagram Page for more details from our year, and to keep updated on upcoming activities!
