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February JB meeting!


On Friday, February 12th we had a JB meeting full of upbeat energizers, a fun game, and a thoughtful activity! The meeting started off with two special guests, Lilly and Sarah which are the co-mosaic coordinators of our branch. After giving us an inside scoop, they spoke about two projects mosaic has been working on, one being the out of the rain shelter involving CISV members cooking meals for the out of the rain youth shelter. The second is The Coldest Night Of The Year! Which took place on Saturday the 20th of February, and we walked in support for homeless shelters and specifically for Victoria, Our place! We jumped right into a game called balderdash! In this game we were given a bizarre word like Sessile or Coom and our job was to think of a definition of this word and private message it to the steering leader of the activity. Once all are sent, each of them are read out loud as well as the actual definition thrown into the mix . We then vote on which definition we think is the real one! Next was an activity based on two, “countries“ Jupiter and Venus. We were all split into either team and put into breakout rooms to discuss debate points against the opposing country. We were given a list of the positives and negatives for both countries. These involved things like birth control, gay rights, free health care, climate change action, and many more important issues. For example Jupiter allowed gay marriage but wasn't doing anything towards reconciliation whereas Venus had the opposite. We had an initial debate, a rebuttal, and finally a debrief discussing if this was an efficient way to figure out which place is better, and many other thought provoking questions. We then did the bacon sizzle to evaluate the activities (the more you liked the activity the more the bacon/you sizzle) which is always ridiculously fun. The night then concluded with announcements and then of course flag. Personally, my favorite part of the night had to be everyone collaborating to brainstorm debate points in each team. It was awesome to feel the energy of teamwork and fresh ideas in the air. All in all it was a wonderful JB event to be a part of :)) if you are currently reading this and are unsure about coming to the next event I promise you will not regret it!! Have the best day.

~Steering member Ana


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