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Connection Through Letters


This is a write up from one of the participants that came to the mosaic event.

I can just imagine the elder reading my letter and getting a little chuckle over how I describe my travel adventures, or what I shared with them about how I’ve spent my summer learning some of my favourite recipes and it not always turning out.

On Friday Aug 28th, a group of us CISVers met online, to participate in this CISV year’s first mosaic project! Our mosaic team joined up with Junior Branch and connected with two retirement communities – one in Ontario and one in Saanich – and wrote 30 letters to their members. We were instructed to write, “Dear Friend” which was such a lovely and personal way to write to a stranger. We were reminded to keep it hopeful and light. Adding clip art into the letters was optional, but sure made my page look a little more entertaining : )

Our Mosaic Liason Lilly was there to support and participate with us, and Mariah, our Junior Branch LJR was there leading the evening with some fun games, instructions, and CISV famous music playing in the background as we wrote. I was particularly touched to meet a Brazilian youth, whose whole family are CISVers, and who saw our Mosaic Project happening online and joined in with our group and wrote a letter alongside us – even though he was up until midnight his time participating with us; it was truly an international mosaic project.

I look forward to potentially doing this kind of mosaic project again! Thanks to everyone who attended and for those of you considering it another time – we look forward to hosting you!

~Leanna, CISV parent


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